Kidney Stones

Summer 1995. I had completed 2 years of general surgery residency and just started my urology training. As I was getting ready to go to church I had a wave of heat come over me. Something was wrong. I started taking off my clothes. The thought of spontaneous combustion entered my mind. My wife came in and asked what was wrong. Then pain and nausea hit me like a truck. I vomited. The pain was so severe I thought I was going to die. Later I was thinking death might not be that bad. It took a few minutes but I realized I probably had a kidney stone.

Eight hours and a lot of morphine later I was the proud owner of a 3 mm calcium oxalate stone. This experience has given me empathy to all patients who have had to experience this.

Kidney stones are often described as the most painful thing a person has experienced. Not only do we treat stones with the most state of the art tools, we are experts in finding out why you’re having repeated episodes and preventing future stones.

Kidney Stone Specialist Glendale AZ
Kidney Stones Treatment Glendale AZ

Stone Treatment

Stone treatment ranges from small stones that need help in passing to large stones that need to be approached percutaneously (from the outside).

We offer all stone treatments:

Medical Expulsive Therapy (MET)

Small stones can be “encouraged” to pass with the aid of certain medications. There are also medications to dissolve certain stones. We will work with you to set your limits so you are not alone on this journey.


Ureteroscopic removal (the use of very tiny cameras that can be taken all the way up to the kidney) with the use of LASER is often the best method to completely remove a stone. If ureteroscopy is performed we usually use a stent to allow the ureter to heal. The stent is temporary and has to be removed at a later time.

Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL)

Sound waves can be focused at the stone to shatter the stone into tiny pieces that are much easier to pass. This is done with anesthesia and is the least invasive stone treatment.

Percutaneous Nephrostolithotripsy (PCNL)

For large and poorly located stones in the kidney the best way to remove them is often from above. This is an area of our expertise. We team up with excellent interventional radiologists to remove some of the most difficult stones in the Valley.

Stone Prevention

Kidney stones form when the solute (the stuff our kidneys are trying to get rid of) is too concentrated and crystals precipitate out. Many of you formed salt crystals on a string in as a middle school experiment. It’s the same idea, just a lot more painful. Most stones are calcium based. There are 4 main types of kidney stones. Calcium, Uric Acid, Struvite and Cystine. There are several other very rare types of stones.

When someone has formed multiple stones or an exceptionally large stone we will offer to work up why you are forming stones. This includes a stone analysis, blood work and a 24 hour urine test. There are many reasons why people form recurrent stones. Dehydration is the most common but most stones are preventable. We work with you to help determine if it’s hydration, dietary changes, supplements or medication to prevent future stone. Remember, the best stone is the stone you never formed.

From the easiest to the most difficult stones; medical management, surgery, or prevention. If you have a stone, you want a peedoc!