Female Hormones

While we often group testosterone as the male hormone and estrogen as the female hormone both men and women have both. In fact, testosterone is the dominant sex hormone in both men and women. Over the years women have been prescribed forms of estrogen with mixed results. Premarin was a popular estrogen replacement. It was named for it’s original source, PREnant MARe’s uINe. That’s right, it comes from pregnant horses. There are documented concerns about blood clots, heart attacks, strokes, and breast cancer among others.

Bioidentical Hormones

Bioidentical Hormones are chemically nearly identical to those that are found in humans. Estradiol, in both pill and cream form, resembles human estrogens. There are other bioidentical, synthetic or plant based hormones that can be utilized to decrease menopausal symptoms. Since a women produces estrogen through a pathway that includes testosterone, one way to create natural estrogen is to replace bioidentical testosterone through pellets. This is absorbed and then converted to the patient’s own estrogens.

If you are struggling with side effects of menopause, see the PeeDoc to discuss options that may be of benefit to you.

Menopause Symptoms Treatment Glendale AZ